Saturday, January 5, 2013

Best Car Hill In Orange County

The best part of going down a hill is not being able to see the bottom for a second when it seems like you might have just jumped off a cliff. About half way down you think you left your stomach at the top. And you know if it's a good drop when at the end you realize you were holding your breath the whole way.

There are a lot of ways to get that feeling. Maybe Splash Mountain at Disneyland or the Giant Slide at the O.C. Fair. Maybe a ski slope or dropping into a half pipe. But our family's easiest and cheapest option is to hit the best car hill in Orange County.

The hill drops from the top of Laguna Beach along 3rd St. from Park Ave. going north towards Laguna Canyon Road. The drop is just about a block and ends on Mermaid St. There's a lot of traffic on 3rd so try going down during off peak hours so you can slowly inch over the top and have the kids try and see the bottom of the hill over the cars hood. You can accelerate down the hill because the transition to the flat part of 3rd is nice and smooth.

Have some oddballkidfun speeding down our family's favorite car hill in Orange County.

1 comment:

  1. Looks fun! I think you have a great blog. You seem like a really great and involved father. I love Matilda and think it's so nice you watch it with your children before the school year starts. Thanks for sharing your great odd ball kid fun, while I do not think your activities are that odd they definitely look fun and not too expensive, which is fun for the parents. Since you are from the OC I was hoping you could maybe give a shout out to Real Estate Orange County. I was looking for your email but could not find it..Thanks
