Sunday, October 14, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse For Kids - How To Practice

As a concerned parent, I'm sure you've asked yourself,  "How can I prepare my kids for the Zombie Apocalypse?"

The answer is, of course, practice, practice, practice. Once every few months, just like a school fire drill, all families should practice how to behave in the Zombie Apocalypse until what to do becomes second nature.

Luckily, the practicing part is fun, painless, and pretty easy. We're going to play a game. Gather up anywhere from 5 to 40 participants and play a zombie version of tag. There are two good games: Zombie Tag and Doctor's Antidote.

Zombie Tag is a lot like a playground tag game with a few small differences. To start playing Zombie Tag an original zombie must be chosen. This person is "it" to start. The original zombie's goal is to tag any other human and turn them into a zombie. Once the original zombie tags someone they are also a zombie and now both zombies will chase the rest of the players until there is only human left. The last human is the winner.

During the game the zombies should identify themselves by saying "Brains,brains, brains" or walking with their arms outstretched or limping. Zombies should walk or jog but they shouldn't run. There is also no safe place for humans to go to during the game. Remember, no one is safe from a zombie apocalypse!

A more involved game is Doctor's Antidote. This one begins with one player called the doctor. The players gather around the doctor before the game starts and close their eyes. The doctor quietly taps about half the players on the shoulder to become zombies. The players keep there eyes closed and stay quiet until the doctor is finished.

Now the game can start. The players are in two groups: humans and zombies. Everyone waits with their eyes closed as the doctor hides. It might take a couple of minutes for the doctor to find a good hiding spot. Once the humans give enough time for the doctor to hide they can open their eyes and start looking for the doctor. The zombies then start their own count to thirty to give humans a head start. Once the zombies finish counting they can open their eyes and start looking for the humans.

Th object of this game is for the humans to find the doctor, who has the zombie antidote and bring him or her to a pre-chosen location- the hospital. If the humans bring the doctor to the hospital then humans win. If the zombies tag all of the humans before they bring the doctor to the hospital then the zombies win.

There are a few rules for Doctor's Antidote. Zombies can only walk in this game- no running. They cannot guard the doctor if they find him before the humans. Zombies aren't that smart! The doctor cannot hide close to the hospital before the start of the zombie attack. Also, tagging the doctor does nothing because with the antidote he or she is immune to the zombies.

Now that we know how to practice for a Zombie Apocalypse, all we need is a good park to play in. I'll cover that in another post.

Good luck and stay safe when the Zombie Apocalypse reaches your town.

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